How to Choose the Right Threat Intelligence Feeds for Your Business

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threat intelligence feeds

Threat threat intelligence feeds provide a continuous stream of data that can be used to track cyber threats. This data can include indicators of compromise (IoCs) and indicators of attack (IoAs), as well as other threat-related information. It may also contain information on threat actors, malware samples, cybersecurity statistics, and more.

A good threat intelligence feed provides security teams with timely and accurate information about cyber threats. It helps security professionals build procedures and responses to protect against future attacks, reducing the risk of costly data breaches and high recovery costs.

There are a variety of threat intelligence feeds available to businesses, and it’s important to understand which ones are appropriate for your organization. Some feeds are free, while others require a subscription fee. In addition to their price, consider whether the feed is relevant to your business and the security risks your business faces.

The best threat intelligence feeds are those that are curated and automatically delivered. This allows security teams to leverage the data in investigations without having to sift through dozens of different data sources.

The Benefits of Threat Intelligence Feeds for Cybersecurity: A Guide for Businesses

Before you choose a threat intelligence feed, assess the needs of your organization and determine the data source. It’s also important to evaluate the success rate of the feed. If the percentage of suspicious events that correlate with the feed is high, it may be worth investing in the feed.

The right threat intelligence platform will automatically curate and compare data, sifting through hundreds of sources to identify and prioritize threat intelligence for your incident response and intelligence teams to action. A robust platform, like Digital Shadows SearchLight or Recorded Future Intelligence Cloud, will integrate with 500+ tools to automatically enrich alerts and incidents with the critical contextual data that security teams need to quickly identify and automate the appropriate response.